We are also pleased to announce a new IP clinic at Catcliffe near Rotherham on Tuesday 13 January 2009. Many thanks to Professor Ron Jones and Wei Huang of Horizon Composites for hosting that event. We shall also be marketing the Barnsley clinic very much harder. More details of the clinics are on our website at www.nipc-clinics.co.uk.
Finally, we also have a website for NIPC Training at www.nipc-training.co.uk. You will see that we offer advanced courses for specialist lawyers and patent and trade mark attorneys known as "the IP staff college" and introductory and intermediate courses for the general public and non-specialist lawyers known as "the IP academy". Both sets of courses are accredited for CPD points by the SRA. We have never had a barrister on our courses but if any member of the Bar wants to turn up we shall seek ad hoc accreditaiton from the BSB so long as he or she gives us at least 2 weeks notice.